History. Push with State in React Router

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History. Push with State in React Router

React Router’s history. Push method is a pivotal tool for managing navigation in React applications. It facilitates the dynamic transition between routes, enhancing the user experience without reloading the page.

Passing Parameters Using History. Push

Incorporating parameters into the history. Push method involves the use of an object structure. This object outlines the desired route and embeds any necessary parameters.

Implementing Query Strings and State

The object passed to history. Push allows for specifying both query strings and state. The pathname attribute designates the route, while search and state properties carry additional data.

Detailed Example: Navigation with State

Consider a scenario where transitioning to a ‘/template’ route is required, with specific data attached:

this.props.history.push({  pathname: ‘/template’,  search: ‘?name=sudheer’,  state: { detail: response.data },});

In this construct, ‘/template’ is set as the route. The search property, holding the query string ‘?name=sudheer’, appends query parameters. The state property carries a data object, enabling the passing of more complex information to the target route.

Integrating jQuery in Angular Applications

Incorporating jQuery into Angular projects, while not a common practice due to Angular’s comprehensive capabilities, can be necessary for specific scenarios such as using certain jQuery-based plugins or handling complex DOM manipulations. However, it is crucial to approach this integration with caution to avoid conflicts between Angular’s data binding and jQuery’s direct DOM manipulation. Here is a step-by-step guide to seamlessly install jQuery in an Angular application:

  • Install jQuery via npm:

Begin by installing jQuery in your project. This can be achieved using npm, which is the default package manager for Node.js. Run the following command in your project’s root directory:

npm install jquery –save

This command installs jQuery and adds it to your project’s dependencies.

  • Update Your angular.json File:

Once jQuery is installed, you need to make it available in your Angular application. Update your angular.json file by adding the path to jQuery in the scripts array:

“scripts”: [  “node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js”]

This step ensures that jQuery is loaded with your Angular application.

  • Importing jQuery in Your Angular Component:

In the Angular component where you need to use jQuery, import it as follows:

import * as $ from ‘jquery’;

With this import statement, you can now use jQuery within this component.

Video Guide

If you still have questions, we suggest you watch this video. Enjoy watching it!

Key Tips for Effective Use of History. Push

To optimize the use of the history. Push method in React Router, consider the following points:

  • Dynamic Parameter Passing: Leverage the ability to pass dynamic data through the state object, enabling responsive and adaptable route changes;
  • Query String Utilization: Use the search property for straightforward data transmission, especially useful for simple key-value pairs;
  • State Object Considerations: When passing complex data, the state object can securely and efficiently transport objects, arrays, or any serializable data;
  • Route Planning: Anticipate and design routes in a manner that complements the data being passed, ensuring a seamless and intuitive navigation experience;
  • Debugging and Testing: Regularly test different scenarios and edge cases, including navigating back and forward, to ensure consistent behavior across the application.


The history. Push method in React Router is an essential element for creating interactive and responsive web applications. Understanding how to pass parameters, utilize query strings, and associate states with routes empowers developers to craft sophisticated navigational structures, ultimately leading to richer user experiences and more dynamic web applications. This guide serves as a foundation for employing history. push with enhanced capability and precision in React-based projects.