What Exactly is Polyfill in Angular and Why is it Used?

Polyfill in Angular code

What Exactly is Polyfill in Angular and Why is it Used?

In a digital world dominated by various browsers, ensuring consistent user experience becomes crucial. Within the realm of Angular applications, polyfills act as the savior. These are scripts designed to offer features that might not be natively supported by every browser in use.

Imagine an Angular-powered website running on the newest version of JavaScript. Yet, a certain user accesses it with a browser only familiar with an older JavaScript version. Here, polyfills step in, bridging the gap by mimicking the missing functionality. As a result, the application sails smoothly, promising an unhindered experience to users regardless of their browser choice.

Using Polyfills in Angular

The gateway to using polyfills in Angular lies in a special file named `polyfills.ts`. Nestled in the `src/` directory of any Angular project, this file welcomes the polyfills.

Wishing to integrate a polyfill? You can import it, possibly from libraries like core-js. For instance, to assimilate the polyfill for Array.prototype.includes, one would use:

import 'core-js/es6/array';

However, for those who prefer automation, services such as Polyfill.io come to the rescue. By simply embedding a script like:

<script src="https://polyfill.io/v2/polyfill.min.js?features=es6"></script>

in the `index.html` file, Polyfill.io smartly detects and serves the required polyfills. Here, the `features` parameter like ‘es6’ signifies that the desired polyfills belong to the ECMAScript 6 (ES6) standard. Different requirements? Just separate them with commas in the features section. With polyfills integrated, an Angular application becomes browser-agnostic. When the application boots up in any browser, it seamlessly harnesses the latest web technologies, irrespective of the browser’s native capabilities.

The brilliance of polyfills extends beyond just compatibility; it’s a reflection of the developer community’s resilience and commitment to progress. As technology advances, developers are often at the forefront, eager to adopt the latest and greatest. Yet, with the diverse ecosystem of browsers and their varying update cycles, not every user gets to experience these innovations at the same pace. That’s where polyfills shine, ensuring that no user is left behind.


Integrating polyfills represents a proactive approach by developers. It showcases their dedication not just to the cutting-edge but also to user inclusivity. No matter the device, browser, or its version, the aim remains clear: Deliver a uniform experience to all.

Furthermore, by adopting such practices, developers inadvertently push browser vendors towards more uniform standards. If a significant portion of the web relies on a feature, it becomes imperative for browsers to natively support it in subsequent versions. Hence, polyfills not only address the present discrepancies but also pave the way for a more harmonized web in the future. In essence, while they might seem like simple scripts or patches, polyfills carry the weight of the entire web community’s aspirations. They stand testament to the adage that technology, when used right, can be the great equalizer.

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