What Should You Know About ReactDOMServer?

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What Should You Know About ReactDOMServer?

The ReactDOMServer module in the React ecosystem facilitates the rendering of React components into static HTML. While it’s typically associated with server-side operations, especially in Node.js environments, its methods can also be used in client-side scenarios.

What’s the Significance of Server-Side Rendering (SSR)?

Server-side rendering is a technique where the server pre-renders a web page’s content before sending it to the browser. This has several benefits:

  • Faster Initial Page Load: The browser receives pre-rendered HTML, which it can display almost immediately, enhancing the perceived performance;
  • SEO Benefits: Search engines can easily crawl and index the pre-rendered content, improving the site’s visibility;
  • Consistent Initial State: SSR ensures users get a consistent view of the web page, regardless of their device or network conditions.

Key Methods of ReactDOMServer

There are two primary methods provided by ReactDOMServer:

  • renderToString(): This method returns a string of HTML. It includes React-specific attributes and event listeners, making it suitable for cases where React will attach to the rendered content on the client-side;
  • renderToStaticMarkup(): Returns a string of HTML too, but without the React-specific data attributes. This is useful for cases where the rendered content won’t have further React interactions.
computer screen surrounded by coding icons like JS, JAVA, HTML, and gears

Practical Example with Express

For instance, when operating a Node-based web server such as Express, Hapi, or Koa, you typically use the renderToString method to convert your main component into a string format and then send it as a response.

Express.js is a popular Node.js framework used for building web applications. By integrating ReactDOMServer, one can easily serve pre-rendered React content. Below is a simple example:

// using Express
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';
import MyPage from './MyPage';

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.write('<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>My Page</title></head><body>');
  res.write('<div id="content">');
  res.write(renderToString(<MyPage />));


ReactDOMServer offers a robust way to harness the power of server-side rendering in React applications. Whether you’re looking to improve performance, SEO, or deliver a consistent user experience, SSR with ReactDOMServer is a tool worth considering. 

You may also like the article about React component re-rendering on browser resize to understand how components respond to viewport changes.

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