Comparing NGIF with CSS Hidden Property

Example of ngIf vs Hidden property

Comparing NGIF with CSS Hidden Property

In the realm of Angular, a popular framework for developing dynamic web applications, effectively managing the visibility of elements is a pivotal aspect of creating a seamless user experience. The framework provides robust tools and directives that empower developers to have granular control over the Document Object Model (DOM), shaping how and when certain elements are displayed or hidden from the user’s view. Among these tools, the ngIf directive and the hidden property stand out as fundamental means to manipulate element visibility, each with its unique approach and set of considerations.

This comprehensive guide aims to unravel the intricacies of the ngIf directive and the hidden property, providing a detailed exploration of their mechanisms, differences, and best use cases. By delving into the structural nature of ngIf and the straightforward yet effective hidden property, developers will gain valuable insights and practical knowledge to enhance their Angular applications. Whether dealing with frequent visibility toggles, optimizing for performance, or ensuring accessibility for event handling, this guide serves as an indispensable resource to navigate the nuances of visibility control in Angular.

What is Angular ngIf Directive?

Angular, a versatile framework for building web applications, offers various tools to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM). One such tool is the ngIf directive, a powerful structural directive that plays a crucial role in controlling the visibility of elements on a web page. Unlike other directives, ngIf modifies the structure of the DOM, either incorporating new elements or excluding existing ones based on certain conditions.

Conditional Rendering

NgIf evaluates an expression, and depending on whether the expression is true or false, it adds or removes elements from the DOM.

Performance Considerations

For elements that toggle frequently, using ngIf may not be the most performance-efficient choice, as adding and removing elements from the DOM can be resource-intensive.

Event Handling: When an element is removed by ngIf, it is completely detached from the DOM, making it inaccessible for any interactions or events.

Exploring the Hidden Property in Angular

In contrast to the ngIf directive, the hidden property offers a simpler and less resource-intensive means of controlling visibility. It works by modifying the CSS display property of the element it is applied to, setting it to ‘none’ when the element needs to be hidden.

Insights into the Hidden Property

  • Persistence in the DOM: Even when an element is hidden using the hidden property, it remains a part of the DOM. This ensures that the element is still accessible for interactions and event handling, albeit not visible on the user interface;
  • Visibility Toggle: The hidden property is ideal for scenarios where the visibility of an element needs to be toggled frequently, as it avoids the performance overhead associated with DOM manipulation;
  • Simplicity and Ease of Use: This approach provides a straightforward way to control visibility without the need for additional Angular-specific syntax or structure.

Making an Informed Decision

When deciding between ngIf and the hidden property, several factors should be taken into consideration:

  • Frequency of Visibility Toggles: For elements that need to show or hide frequently, the hidden property may offer a more performance-efficient solution;
  • Need for DOM Presence: If maintaining an element in the DOM even when it’s not visible is essential for event handling or other interactions, the hidden property is the preferable choice;
  • Resource Optimization: For scenarios where performance is a critical concern, and the visibility of the element does not change frequently, ngIf may be a more suitable option.

By understanding the nuances and appropriate use cases of the ngIf directive and the hidden property, developers can make more informed decisions, leading to more efficient and effective Angular applications. Discover the magic of React’s innerHTML feature, unleashing dynamic content like never before.


In the journey through the intricacies of Angular’s ngIf directive and the hidden property, a comprehensive understanding of their functionalities, performance implications, and use cases has been established. Both tools serve as indispensable assets in a developer’s arsenal, each catering to specific scenarios and requirements in the development of dynamic and responsive web applications.

To harness the full potential of these tools, it’s imperative to consider the specific needs of the application, the frequency of visibility changes, and the importance of maintaining elements in the DOM for interactions. By making informed decisions based on these factors, developers can optimize performance, enhance user experience, and create robust Angular applications that stand the test of time.