Loadable Components in Web Development

A programmer's hands type swiftly, with code on the laptop screen and a coffee mug nearby

Loadable Components in Web Development

In modern web development, ensuring efficient and high-performing applications is crucial. With the increasing complexity of JavaScript applications, code splitting, and the use of loadable components have become essential strategies. This article explores loadable components, their benefits, and how to use them.

What are Loadable Components?

For those aiming to implement code-splitting in server-rendered applications, Loadable Components come highly recommended. This is primarily because, as of now, React.lazy and Suspense aren’t equipped for server-side rendering. With Loadable Components, dynamic imports can be seamlessly rendered just like any other standard component.


Let’s delve into a practical illustration:

import loadable from '@loadable/component';

const OtherComponent = loadable(() => import('./OtherComponent'));

function MyComponent() {
  return (
      <OtherComponent />

With this setup, AdditionalComponent will be compartmentalized into its distinct bundle.


character works on her laptop, surrounded by icons representing programming languages
Improved PerformanceSplitting code and loading only what’s needed results in faster initial application loads.
Enhanced User ExperienceUsers can interact with visible parts of the app quickly, while other parts load in the background.
Optimized Bandwidth UsageUsers download only necessary code, ideal for those with slow internet or limited data plans.
Better CachingSmaller code chunks are cached more efficiently, reducing the need to re-download entire bundles when only a part of the application changes.


Loadable components represent a leap forward in optimizing modern web applications. They provide an elegant solution to the challenges posed by large JavaScript bundles, offering not only performance benefits but also an enhanced user experience. As applications continue to grow in complexity, tools and strategies like loadable components will become even more essential in the toolkit of every web developer.

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