Online JavaScript course – your start in an interesting and lucrative profession. Our graduates already work in top Ukrainian IT companies and web studios or run their own freelance projects.
Online course program
Block 1
Introductory course on web technologies
- client-server technology.
- Internet, ISP, domain, hosting, web server.
- http requests, POST, GET request types.
- data transfer protocols: http, tcp/ip, ftp, ssh and others.
Basic html syntax
- basic css syntax.
- Creating a cross-browser html page, taking into account its display on mobile devices.
- History of javascript, scope of application, programs to write code connection to html page.
Basics of syntax
- Data types and variables.
- Comparison operators and logical values.
- Conditional operators if and else.
- Loops while, do while, for, for in, each.
- Functions, closures and scope.
- Arrays and objects.
Working with DOM model
- Selecting html elements from a page by class name, id, tag name and other methods.
- Inserting, modifying and creating html elements on a page.
- Browser events, click, mouseover, mousedown, mousemove and others.
- Browser events, click, mouseover, mousedown, mousemove and others.
- Creating event handlers in response to user actions.
Block 2
Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
OOP in procedural programming
- Object constructor.
- The concept of interface.
- Methods of working with an interface (setters, getters).
- Functional inheritance.
OOP in prototype programming
- Object prototype.
- Classes.
- Inheritance.
- Own errors, inheritance from Error.
Advanced javascript, ES-2015/ES6 , NODE js
- let and const variables
- Destructuring.
- New features for declaring functions and working with strings.
- Working with objects and prototypes.
- Working with classes and inheritance between them, extends, constructor, super, static, getters, setters.
- Symbol data type, iterators, Set, Map, WeakSet and WeakMap.
- Promise, asynchronous javascript.
- Generators, modules, proxy
- Installation and startup
- Working with modules
- NPM and Yarn package installation managers for node js
- Database connectivity, post and get requests
- Webpack project builder, Babel
Working with API
- Working with http requests, client-server technology
- Studying ajax requests and JSON data transfer format
- XMLHttpRequest and fetch
- Principles of REST API
Block 3
- Basic concept, what it is used for and where.
- Setting up an environment, creating an application structure.
- Learning JSX syntax.
- React Virtual DOM.
- Element rendering.
- Components and props
- Component styling, working with CSS.
- React component lifecycle.
- State and lifecycle.
- Event handling.
- Conditional rendering.
- Lists and keys.
- Forms.
- Reverse data flow, state lifting.
- Debugging.
Block 4
- Basic concept, single source of truth, what to use with react for.
- Connecting to react.
- Events, asynchronous events.
- Reducers, creating and updating storage, data immutability.
- Connect method.
- Debugging.
- Frontend application development on REACT JS.
Learning writing end-to-end and unit tests to test Frontend applications on react
- Jest js.
- Enzyme.
- Nightwatch.
Frontend application development on REACT JS and writing its server side on NODE JS.