Exploring Container Components in Redux

The girl does programming

Exploring Container Components in Redux

Container components in Redux are integral in bridging the gap between the state management system and the UI layer of an application. These components are responsible for how things work, focusing less on how they look, and more on functionality and data handling.

Defining and Utilizing Containers in Redux

  • Purpose and Function

In the Redux architecture, container components are designed to interact directly with Redux’s state and dispatch actions. They are typically responsible for data fetching, state updates, and providing data to presentational components.

  • Implementation Strategy

The creation of container components involves using Redux’s connect() function. This function allows components to subscribe to Redux store updates and dispatch actions to the store.

Comparison: Presentational vs. Container Components

AspectPresentational ComponentsContainer Components
FocusHow things look (UI)How things work (Data)
Redux AwarenessNot aware of ReduxAware and connected to Redux
Data HandlingReceive data via propsManage and provide data
Direct Redux InteractionNoYes

Key Characteristics of Redux Containers

Container components are marked by several distinctive characteristics:

  • Direct Interaction with Redux: They connect directly to the Redux store;
  • Data Management: Containers handle the retrieval and manipulation of data, passing it down to presentational components;
  • Dispatching Actions: They are responsible for dispatching actions to the Redux store to trigger state updates.

Video Guide

If you still have questions, we suggest you watch this video. Enjoy watching it!


Container components are a cornerstone in Redux architectures, effectively managing the interplay between application logic and user interface. This exploration underscores their functionality, distinguishing them from presentational components, and highlights their pivotal role in efficient Redux implementations.